Ah, stock pumping… is there a more pitiful and desperate endeavour online? There’s nothing like grown adults who will shamelessly – or, sometimes, simply naively – shill their terrible stock picks in order to make a few meagre extra pennies at someone else’s expense.
Whether it’s a biotech that’s probably never going to pass clinical trials, a speccy miner founded on nothing but cap raises and dreams, or a Buy Now/Profit Never buzzword-filled tech abomination… we want to see your submissions for some of the most desperate, cringeworthy pumping for the ASX.
Week 2 ‘winner’: Pastry1, ASX:BRK
It’s obvious that the stock you’re holding is truly high-quality when you’re relying on desperately trying to encourage social media posts on Reddit in order to get the price to rise.
Especially when it’s a speculative oil and gas play with an $80 million market cap and minimal recorded revenue in the last 5+ years. And one that eats cap raises like Pac-Man does colourful pills.
Congratulations to Hotcopper user Pastry1 for looking like a pauper in rags on the street with tin cup in hand, begging for some stray posters to drop a coin into his starving portfolio.
Also: *their
Week 1 ‘winner’: Kipperoil, ASX:SYA
Everyone knows that when a share price refuses to climb, the only possible reason is invisible boogeymen ‘manipulating’ the share price.
It’s surely not because a company has about a billion too many shares on issue, or a market cap well above what it should be given zero revenue, or the simple fact that there might actually be *gasp* better options out there in the ASX lithium space than the almighty Sayona Mining Limited.
Congratulations to Hotcopper user Kipperoil for exemplifying the true spirit of this award. I can’t wait to see the look on Scomo’s face when he receives your letter in the mail.
Submit your pumpers
Submit your nominees each week for the ASX Stock Pumper Hall of Shame from Twitter, Facebook, web forums, or anywhere else you find the best (worst) examples of Shilling Sams and Pumping Petes out there. We’ll showcase the worst here, and pick one ‘winner’ each week to immortalise their disgusting delusions for all to see.
Provide them directly via the form below (attach a screenshot or link), or submit via use the hashtag #asxhallofshame on social media – and let’s use our powers to reduce the toxic habit of stock shilling one week at a time.
Submit your Stock Pumper of the Week:
Week 3:
Week 4: